
When there's no more, consecrate!

Since this is my first blog I suppose I should begin by sharing a bit about who I am and why in 2017, during the age of Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and a million other ways to share information in 30 second to 3 minute intervals, I have decided to start a blog. At this point in my life I am an almost middle aged man, married for 13 years with 5 children. Yes, that wasn't a typo, I am a Gen X teetering on Millennial who got married, bought a home and had more than 2 kids. It's crazy, I get it. Maybe that's why I am starting a blog so late in the game. If that all wasn't enough I also have a dog and a cat....and I am an introvert (maybe another time I will post what an introvert actually is). I am also LDS. For those of you who don't know what that is, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. For those of you who may now be more confused, I am a Mormon. This hasn't always been the case. I actually grew up in a household who believed in